Monthly Archives: December 2023

R300 Advanced Controls

The R300's sophisticated controls maximize your versatility and ROI. These greater capabilities bring smarter systems [...]

Charged up about our mower’s new name: the AMP

We couldn't be more AMPed about our mower's new name! AMP stands for Autonomous Mowing [...]

Seasoned Manufacturing and TEAMS

We improve people's lives by solving problems through creative disciplined engineering, operational excellence, and epic [...]

ProSlab 160 Features

The ProSlab 160 takes performance to another level with better fuel efficiency, faster transport, improved [...]

ProSlab Advanced Controls

The ProSlab's sophisticated controls bring you smarter systems that can adapt to varying conditions in [...]

Less Fuel, More Turf

Engineered for fuel efficiency from the ground up, our hybrid harvesters stay cooler, operate more [...]

A Cut Above

Our harvesters work in the widest variety of conditions, thanks to exclusive ground pressure control [...]

Gentle on your Fields

Superior weight balance and flotation give FireFly harvesters keeps you cutting even in soft fields [...]


Drive the perimeter of your fields or fairways ONCE to allow our high precision RTK [...]

Steering Assist

Get more grass out of your fields with electronic auto steer and GPS guidance. Cut [...]