Tag Archives: golf

FireFly Automatix Unveils Major Autonomy Software Update for AMP Mowers

FireFly Automatix, in partnership with Alliance Funding Group (AFG) is pleased to announce we have [...]

The First Leasing Customer for Robotic Mowing Equipment from FireFly Automatix is the Prestigious Serrano Country Club

FireFly Automatix, in partnership with Alliance Funding Group (AFG) is pleased to announce we have [...]

FireFly AMPs to Autonomously Mow the Fairways at the Black Desert Championship – First in the World

FireFly AMPs (Autonomous Mowing Platforms) will robotically mow the fairways at Southern Utah-based Black Desert [...]

FireFly Automatix Welcomes The Santaluz Club as the Golf Industry’s First AMP Customer

After utilizing three AMP all-electric and autonomous mowers for over two-plus months on its golf [...]

FireFly Automatix’ Path of Innovation to AMP

How do you get from automating window blinds to designing robotic mowers? Programming turf harvesters [...]