January 3, 2024
As part of our initiative to build a highly skilled Board of Directors, we are fortunate to welcome former WPP Group CFO and board member Paul Richardson. He will be working alongside associates from Moss Adams, our newly selected audit firm, as audit committee chairman and member of our board.

“Paul Richardson brings an extraordinarily deep skill set and acumen to FireFly from his decades of service in the operational strategy and finances of WPP. With his robust financial experience, Paul is the ideal executive to chair our audit committee and to play a key role in preparing the company for coming seasons of growth.”
– Andrew Limpert, CEO
Paul is a Fellow of the Association of Corporate Treasurers, educated at the University of East Anglia and trained as a Chartered Accountant in London with KPMG. He was awarded the FTSE 100 Finance director of the year in 2007.
During his tenure at WPP Group, Paul guided finance, information technology, procurement, property, treasury, taxation, internal audit, and corporate and social responsibility initiatives worldwide. He was also integral to several key mergers and acquisitions.
A Fortune Global 500 company, WPP Group encompasses advertising, marketing, and media agencies with $17B in annual revenues and over 100,000 employees across 110 countries. Prior to his work as CFO there, Paul served as director of Chime Communications PLC and STW Communications Group Limited in Australia, both companies within WPP Group.
Paul also brings valuable board experience to our own Board of Directors. In addition to having served on the board of WPP Group, Paul was the Chairman of the Audit Committee for the board of Ceva Group PLC.
Our CFO, Mike Pettingill, said, “Paul Richardson brings a unique blend of detailed operational expertise, ‘Big Vision’ and humility to FireFly. His guidance will be invaluable as FireFly aggressively expands to new markets.”