FireFly Sponsors Local Cybersecurity Community Event: BSides Cache

FireFly developers brought an autonomous mower for a workshop called “Mower Mayhem” as a sponsor at a Utah cybersecurity conference.

We were proud to sponsor the BSides Cache cybersecurity conference, held at Bridgerland Technical College in Logan, Utah. BSides is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a platform for cybersecurity enthusiasts to come together, share knowledge, and foster a community of learning and growth.

We provided demonstrations of AMP, our 100″ electric autonomous mower, and challenged participants to try to hack into a pre-production version of our system and find bugs to earn prizes.

It was energizing to feel the group’s excitement when we drove an AMP in. Then we were able to demonstrate its autonomous operation on the campus grounds.

The AMP at the event had an earlier, pre-production version of software on it with a few known bugs. Participants worked individually and in groups. No one was able to take over control of the mower, but they did identify some of the known bugs as well as a couple unidentified bugs that our team will work to confirm and remedy.

BSides Cache was a great chance to network with students and the local tech community. Thanks to the BSides organization and all the attendees.