Monthly Archives: September 2024

FireFly AMPs to Autonomously Mow the Fairways at the Black Desert Championship – First in the World

FireFly AMPs (Autonomous Mowing Platforms) will robotically mow the fairways at Southern Utah-based Black Desert [...]

Harvester Showdown at NSGA: R300 Sweep with Best Productivity and Yield

The Nursery Sod Growers Association (NSGA) of Ontario held a 2-hour side-by-side field demonstration of [...]

FireFly Automatix Begins Offering Capital and Operating Leases to its Customers

After partnering with several leading financial institutions, FireFly Automatix is pleased to offer customers a [...]

FireFly Sponsors Local Cybersecurity Community Event: BSides Cache

FireFly developers brought an autonomous mower for a workshop called "Mower Mayhem" as a sponsor [...]